A silhouette of a cross during sunset.

The Gift of Jesus

the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10 NLT)

 Just as a good father would do, God sent Jesus to earth on a two-part mission: to turn over every rock in search of anyone that does not yet have a love-relationship with his Father, God.  And he came to save. He carries with him a gift box filled with everything you require to save, or answer, your needs in every way  – entry to heaven, wholeness, healing, deliverance and restoration; all found within the person of Jesus Christ.

 Every person with a need is offered that gift box. It is freely given to anyone who simply asks for it.  “Jesus, may I please have that gift?

 I need help and I accept you and open myself to receive you and every gift that you have for me.”

 No matter what your trouble or area of need is, Jesus has a gift for you. He is searching for you and wants to save you. Won’t you give him that opportunity?
