Fear God and obey His commands

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Solomon wrote, “Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey His commands” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

  A person, like the great Solomon, can be exceedingly wise, but still miss the big picture. Solomon, after studying life, understood that big picture.

God wants you to know and respect Him. He will not turn away anyone that calls out to Him.

 We have the privilege to experience his power through creation, his tenderness through an infant’s smile, and His justice through Jesus dying in our place for our sins.

The only response for the one that knows him is awe and reverence.

The wise man will obey his greatest commands to; Love God with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

That is the only wise conclusion we can make about life and death. God loves you, wants to know you and wants you to know Him. Come to Him and Let Him love you!