Woman lifting hands up praising and praying

Sing Praises to God!

Psalm 47:6-7
Sing  praises to God, sing praises;
sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For God is the King over all the earth.
There is a King who sits on His powerful throne, far above every anxiety-driven moment of darkness and confusion  that you may encounter.
Only the creator of all things seen and unseen – God – has lasting answers to your tumultuous life.

 It is He alone who deserves your joyful praise.  

He invites you to celebrate all the victories that He has won for His people. Victories over death and victories over the silent but screaming evil that so easily attempts to rule and conquer the  unsuspecting victims of our world. 
Join the celebrations of victory. Sing praise to your King. Yes, thank him for all that he has done and is doing. He alone is the King that rules over the earth! Sing praises!