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Mathew 2:6

Matthew 2:6   But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah are by no means least among the rulers.
 you know the story – 
Christ was born in a cave in Bethlehem, a then tiny,  now historic, village in Israel. In that day that small town was as seemingly insignificant as an ant. 
But, within hours one cold night, that tiny, unimportant village became the focus of everyone from shepherd boys to the king. It was there that Jesus was wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger- a very poor, young couple had a baby inside a cold, dank cave, where he was wrapped in torn strips of rags and placed in a cow’s feeding trough.
God had plans. He used a powerless baby, and unimportant Bethlehem, to turn what seemed unimpressive to a place of influence out of which ultimately came  millions of Christ believers who are, even 2,000 years later, world influencers.
God’s children are not insignificant. He has always had us in His mind and plans.
Let this Christmas be a reminder that you  are not here by accident  and you’re not unimportant.
God has seen to it that you are here at this place and time and can use you to influence your world beginning in you and working through you.
It all begins with a prayer of the heart that says yes. Jesus, please save me and use me to influence my world through me,  for your purposes.